Sunday 12 June 2016

Third Sunday after Trinity

Jesus asks one of the Pharisees, ‘Do you see this woman?’

Do you see this woman?

Do you see this woman?

Do you see this woman?

Do you see this woman?

Do you see this woman?

Roughly a thousand years earlier, another woman was having a bath. Her neighbour’s property overlooked her home, and he is watching her. He is looking without seeing. He does not see her. He does not see the wife of Uriah. And to be clear: the text does not refer to Bathsheba as ‘the wife of Uriah’ because it is written from a patriarchal point-of-view (though it may well have been) but because it is written from the perspective of covenant relationship. Bathsheba is more than ‘the wife of Uriah,’ but she is not ever less than ‘the wife of Uriah.’ And this is what David fails to see, before him.

Uriah was one of David’s closest friends, one of his ‘mighty men’ who rallied to him when David, who had been king Saul’s great general, had fled for his life before the mad king. David and Uriah had lived side-by-side as outlaws and mercenaries, even hiding in caves in the wilderness; and now David lived in a palace, his faithful friend still lived by his side. While Uriah was away fighting one of David’s military campaigns, his friend took his wife. When, as a result, she discovered that she was pregnant, David called Uriah home, on the pretext of throwing a banquet in his friend’s honour, plied him with wine, and encouraged him to enjoy the welcome-home attentions of his wife. But Uriah was a man who identified deeply with others, and therefore he determined not to enjoy with his wife what his fellow fighting men were currently unable to enjoy with their wives. In desperation, David resorted to Plan B (for Betrayal): his faithful friend carried back with him a sealed letter to the Commanding Officer, a letter that sealed his own fate. It read, Attack the enemy, making sure that Uriah is in the front line, and then retreat, cutting him off.

David did not see Bathsheba. He did not see Uriah. He did not see himself. He saw only what he wanted to see.

David is portrayed as the greatest king Israel ever had. In contrast, Ahab is portrayed as the most wicked king Israel ever had. Interestingly, David’s actions in relation to Uriah, and Ahab’s actions in relation to his neighbour Naboth, mirror one another. David is described to us as ‘a man after God’s heart,’ one who sought unimpaired closeness to God. He is also shown to us as a sinner, one whose relationships are repeatedly impaired through negligence, through weakness, and through his own deliberate fault.

Now, back to the Pharisee and the sinner woman. If we are honest, it is hard for us to see either of them. For if Jesus is the Word [who] became flesh, they are flesh-become-word: real people, shaped by particular circumstances and experiences and with complex motivations, who have become characters in a story. We can’t see them directly, and the temptation is to see only what we want to see. Do you see this woman, and this man? Or do we only see a sinner, and a Pharisee?

Both this man and this woman desire to be close to Jesus, to spend time with him, to do something for him, to know and be known by him. If we can see past a ‘Pharisee’ – who must surely have false motives, we tell ourselves – to ‘Simon,’ we might discover someone who respects Jesus as a rabbi, an interpreter of God’s Law, and who wonders whether he is more than that, a prophet speaking directly for God. We might hear Jesus’ words as if for the first time, not ‘putting this Pharisee in his place’ but gently helping Simon to make sense of his own questions, his currently-perplexed assumptions and expectations concerning prophets and sinners. Like Nathan telling a story to David, helping him reach conclusions for himself, including accepting consequences and the need to make restitution.

We might notice that both Simon and this woman have already been forgiven; that far from judging Simon for his failings Jesus is absolving him, as surely as he is reassuring her that she is forgiven. Jesus is good news for the respectable and the disrespected alike. Nonetheless, while we are all forgiven everything already, the more we realise this the more love we will show. Note that the woman is not forgiven because she has shown great love, but has shown great love because she has been forgiven much.

Such love does not spare us from suffering – if anything, it will lead us into more, both an awareness of our own sin, with its impact on others, and a refusal to walk away from those who sin against us. No, love does not spare us from suffering, but rather, it drives out fear, enabling us to carry on in peace, to do what is right even at great cost.

And in a little while we will share that Peace, symbolically. As we do so, do you see this woman, do you see this man, whose hand touches yours?

Sunday 5 June 2016

Second Sunday after Trinity

This week my family and I have been on holiday, and while we were on holiday we saw two biblically-inspired performances. The first was the Mystery Plays at York Minster. The Mystery Plays are a Medieval morality tale on judgement – the flawed judgement of angels and mortals, and the ultimate Final Judgement of God. Held every four years, and the best part of four hours long, the production brings together professional writers, actors and crew with up to a hundred ordinary local residents of York. The second spectacular we enjoyed was Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, here at Sunderland’s Empire Theatre, last night. While God does not appear as a character, his hidden presence is discernible to the eye of faith in this tale of dysfunctional family relationships and a world in which no one, not even the most powerful, command their own destiny. The entire audience was on our feet clapping along to the Reprise towards the end. Both performances caught our everyday lives up in something bigger, drew us into mystery.

Our readings from 1 Kings and The Gospel According to Luke are rich passages. These two tales of widows receiving back their sons touch on themes including the nature of miracles, of suffering, and of prayer. The temptation is to fall into a philosophical argument about these things, but that will not help us much. One man’s miracle is another man’s logical explanation, or fairy tale. One woman’s answered prayer is another woman’s coincidence. For one, the reality of suffering is proof against God; while for another, the experience of suffering is evidence of God alongside them in it. Why different people reach different conclusions at different times is a mystery, and the mystery and the person both deserve to be treated with dignity, not solved or dismissed.

Before I went away on holiday, I asked some friends what issues these passages raised or addressed for them. One responded that God hears and answers the prayers of mothers and widows. If this is so – and I believe that it is – then it is worth noting that the prayer of our first widow is a complaint against God, and that the prayer of our second widow is wordless, expressed through body-wrenching tears. Prayer does not follow a formula – neither on our part, nor on God’s.

This morning, then, I simply want to offer this: that the only way to discover what difference prayer might make to our lives is to begin a life of prayer and keep on going. It is, in that sense, like being married. There are a number of couples here approaching their wedding day, and we have a process of preparation, but the reality is that you cannot be prepared for marriage, not really. But you can learn from those who have been married a long time, and indeed from those who were married and found themselves to be divorced, or widowed, or never married; from those who have had children, lost a child, or are childless; from those separated from their family by war – each of whom discovered that their life did not turn out the way they might have hoped or planned, and yet for whom life is the gift we have, breath given back to us when we had no breath left in us. The key to being a person in relationship with other people, whatever our circumstances, is not in being an expert in human relationships, but in being a participant. The same is true of a life of prayer.

Prayer differs from prayers. Prayers take the form of words, and for some of us, words are intimidating. Prayer, on the other hand, is an awareness of being in the middle of something we cannot control or explain but might discern God in – whether that be seeing Jesus in the face of a stranger, or the work of a Creator behind every tree in its spring blossom, or in the longing of our own dreams. It is the difference between being the actor who learns lines, and the hairdresser who gets involved in the Chorus, or finds themselves singing along to the Reprise.

The week ahead is filled with opportunity for prayer. Will it make a difference, and if so, what kind of difference, and how, and why? There are questions that have no answers, that are not posed to furnish us with answers, questions that lead us further into mystery. If that is unsatisfactory, then you will just have to go away disappointed. That too, might do the trick.